Law of Attraction


The Best Way To Create Your Future On today’s podcast, Joanna is talking about how many women want something else in their life and why they don’t know how to make their desire into reality.  So this might be you.  You have a next chapter you want to create, and you don’t know where to […]


How Large Changes In Your Life Can Lead to Gratitude Today Joanna has Laura Friedman Williams, author of Available (a memoir of sex and dating after marriage ends) on the show to talk about how making a change in your thought process while dealing with grief and pain, can ultimately provide a sense of gratitude. […]


One Simple Shift To Create Your Next Chapter On today’s podcast, Joanna is talking about how one simple shift can create your next extraordinary chapter in your life. She talks about how we have to clearly see the automatic lens of our Inner Critic mind so that we can wake up to the fact that […]


What is Inner Self Care? On today’s podcast, Joanna is talking about self-awareness and why it is so important to understand exactly HOW to think. She discusses how self-awareness is the understanding of your automatic, inner critic mind and how it works so that you can actually hear your authentic self, your true nature, your […]


How To Trust The Timing In Your Life Today Joanna is talking all about her own Inner Critic and how recognizing her indication signs is a moment-by-moment practice. She dives deep into how a lot of people struggle with feeling anxious, bummed out, fearful and frustrated when their Inner Critic is causing them to doubt […]


5 Steps To Building The Life You Want Today Joanna is talking about the 5 steps to  build the life you want. She dives deep into how we all aspire to do, be, and have great things but we typically resist the discomfort of not knowing what the outcome of our actions will be which […]