The paradox of cultural transformation

In this week’s podcast episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast, Joanna is speaking about the paradox that’s emerging in our society right now where there’s a profound shift in consciousness that’s been happening but still so many people are more disconnected from themselves than ever before.

So tune in to this enlightening episode and learn what actions you can take to consciously decide that you are ready to create something different for yourself and for your life.

Here are this week’s reflection questions: 

  • Are you taking the time and the space to pay attention to your inner whispers?
  • Are you trying to hold on to the familiar and known parts of your life that deep down, you know, are no longer working for you?
  • Do you feel like you’re in a transition like your life was informed by one thing that you thought?

Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

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