Unlocking Success: How a Mindset Shift to ‘Living in the Gain vs. The Gap’ Can Transform Your Life

In this week’s episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast, Joanna is speaking about living in the gain versus living in the gap, a concept that will revolutionize the way that you think about your success, your happiness, and your fulfillment.

So tune in to this enlightening episode and learn what actions you need to take to not be caught in a trap where your restless, perfectionist, and inadequate inner critics govern every facet of your life, and start designing your dream life by becoming an energetic match from the inside.

Here are this week’s reflection questions: 

  • Are you living in the gap, where you are susceptible to being constantly triggered, and whether you feel you’re meeting your goals or triggered by other people’s actions or their expectations, or what you think they think of you?
  • Are you stuck in your survival mechanism, where you’re constantly in this state of fight-flight-freeze, waiting for that shoe to drop, being anxious, and needing your external circumstances to look a particular way so you can feel at peace?
  • Do you feel like you are trying to swim to get to the horizon that no matter how fast you swim or how far or how long you are swimming, you’re not getting there? And that any progress you make feels like a letdown because it’s just never enough.

Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

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