Inside the Mind of Therapist Melissa Heimann: Conquering Inner Critics

In this empowering episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast, Joanna welcomes Melissa Hieman, co-founder of the Center for Healing in Melbourne, Australia. 

Melissa is the creator of the methods of Root Cause Therapy and Trauma Informed Manifestation Coaching. She shares her transformative journey from a troubled past to creating innovative methods of Root Cause Therapy and Trauma-Informed Manifestation Coaching, offering powerful insights into healing and personal development. 

Tune in as we reflect on personal responsibility, redefine trauma, and integrate safety into manifestation, offering valuable insights into healing and personal growth.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What moments or experiences in your life might have contributed to the formation of your inner critic?

             -Consider the significant events or traumas that may have shaped your patterns of thinking and behavior.

  1. How do you currently approach the idea of taking responsibility for your life and its outcomes?

             -Reflect on your mindset regarding personal responsibility and ownership of your circumstances.

  1. In what areas of your life do you notice the influence of your inner critic, and how does it impact your decisions and actions?

            -Identify specific areas where your inner critic tends to be more prominent and explore its effects on your choices and behavior.

Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

For more information on Melissa Hieman and The Center of Healing in Melbourne you may check out their website here and their free courses available in this link

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