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Each week, you’ll discover real-life proven mind-blowing strategies to confidently step into your authentic self and design a life you’re madly in love with.

The Podcast

Dethroning Your Inner Critic


In this episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic Podcast, host Joanna Kleinman, sits down with a remarkable guest – an orthopedic surgeon, author, co-founder of Vori Health, and a dedicated advocate for women’s health empowerment Dr. Mary O’Conner. Together, they delve into the multifaceted journey of this guest, who not only excels in her professional endeavors but also balances her roles […]

Empowering Women's Health: Insights from Chief Medical Officer & Healthcare Innovator Dr. Mary O'Connor


Ever wondered if there’s real science behind the idea of manifestation? In this episode, we delve into the fascinating connection between your thoughts, your brain, and the life you create. Learn how to harness the power of neuroplasticity and practical tools to bridge the gap between desire and reality. Reflection Questions: Dethrone Your Inner Critic […]

The Science Behind Using Your Brain to Manifest Your Life


In this week’s episode of the Dethroning YOur Inner Critic Podcast, Joanna Kleinman discusses three ways to use your mind to change your life: Reflection Questions: Subscribe to the Dethroning Your Inner Critic Podcast for more tips on how to overcome your inner critic and create a life you love. Are you ready to find […]

3 Ways to Use Your Mind to Change Your Life


In this episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic Podcast, Joanna Kleinman explores the idea of a collective shift happening right now and how it might be affecting you. She discusses 4 signs that your life may be about to change radically, and offers guidance on how to navigate this period of transformation. Reflection Questions: […]

4 signs that your life is about to change


This episode of Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast explores the transformative power of emotional alchemy in our relationships. Joanna dives deep into these concepts, explaining how our inner critic, the voice that criticizes and judges, often tries to protect us from emotional pain by keeping us from being vulnerable. This, however, can trap us and […]

How Emotional Alchemy Can Transform Your Relationships


In this episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast, psychotherapist and coach Joanna Kleinman dives deep into the concept of core wounds and how they can impact our lives. Joanna discussed how core wounds are formed from early experiences and can shape our sense of self, relationships, and even our success and how it […]

How to Transcend your Core Wounds

more about me 

I’ve spent over 30 years studying the human brain and mind-body connection leading me to develop my ground-breaking MIND Method™ in 2015. It’s a unique framework that will completely alter your life and stop the self-sabotaging voice in your head from stealing your true potential.


Meet the host